Contradiction Resolved

I found a contradiction in the plans. One of my next actions was to cut out the plywood to make up the transom. According to the plans the transom is made up of 2 layers or laminations of plywood with an Iroko capping at the top all faced by an Iroko layer to the exterior.… Continue reading Contradiction Resolved

Bulkheads and Floors

Time to glue the floors and more doublers onto the bulkheads. I have 5 of the bulkheads all laid out with the floors glued and clamped. The picture below is bulkhead #3, which supports the mast and hence has the most extensive hardwood doubler to give it strength. The thicker side pieces give a stronger… Continue reading Bulkheads and Floors

Making the floors

In boat building terms, the floors are like floor beams. They provide strength at the bottom of the boat. On the Golant Gaffer, the floors are made of Iroko hardwood and glued to the bulkheads. The piece of Iroko sized to become floors (and other parts) was too thick for my little hand circular saw,… Continue reading Making the floors

On to the Iroko

The doublers and floors are to be made of Iroko, a bit like mahogany (but less costly). Taking a rough sawn length of Iroko and feeding it through the thicknesser to produce a lovely planed board of the right thickness is very satisfying Also today was the first use of epoxy on the project. The… Continue reading On to the Iroko

Bulkheads all cut out

After a bit of a break, I finally cut out bulkhead number 7 this morning. That completes all the bulkheads. Which is a good job because I don’t have any 12mm plywood left. I do have a pile of offcuts which looks as much plywood as is in the bulkheads. Next job, before I start… Continue reading Bulkheads all cut out

More Pricking out

Looking back at my last post, I decided that I had missed showing an important step. Below, the picture shows the full scale drawing of the bulkheads. Or at least one half of each bulkhead. My process is to lay the drawing on the plywood and check where the centre line and waterline (line drawn… Continue reading More Pricking out

Another Delivery of Wood

 The Devon Hardwoods lorry arrived at the boat shed and offloaded a pile of Iroko.   I spent some time measuring and recording all the pieces so that I can match them to my cutting list. There are two ways of buying timber.  You can have the timber yard pick from their stock of rough… Continue reading Another Delivery of Wood

Finally Started

I have started to build a Golant Gaffer.  If you would like to know more about the Golant Gaffer, have a look at the “Golant Gaffer” page where I will gradually fill in some of the story leading up to this point. When I say I have started, I mean that I have the plans… Continue reading Finally Started