Well, hardly knocking them out, but making progress.

I noticed that I have 8 bulkheads and a transom to cut out of 6 sheets of plywood. So a quick bit of sizing up was required. Easier to do this on A4 than full size. Phew! Can still be done.
I have a new favourite tool This HUGE T-square is available from all the usual builders outlets. Apparently used by builders to mark up plasterboard for cutting and called a drywall square, it works equally well for marking up plywood.

Taking the shape from my full size drawing to the plywood involves pricking out; then lightly hammering nails into the indentations. I have found my 1 metre stainless steel rule works best for drawing a “fair” line around the nails.
4 bulkheads done. 4 and the transom to go.