Looking back at my last post, I decided that I had missed showing an important step. Below, the picture shows the full scale drawing of the bulkheads. Or at least one half of each bulkhead.

My process is to lay the drawing on the plywood and check where the centre line and waterline (line drawn horizontally through the boat where the water surface will be when floating) need to be. Then using my favourite T-square, mark on the centre line and waterline. I position the drawing to line up with the marked on lines and tape it to the plywood sheet. An awl is used to prick through the drawing onto the sheet. I then turn over the drawing, again position to the centre and water lines and prick out the other half of the bulkhead (see below)

As well as the prick holes, you can see the lines from the reverse side of the drawing for this not to be difficult.
The full scale drawing has the outer edge of the bulkhead shapes. The internal cutting lines are added by measurement.
3 bulkheads to go.