Despite there being quite a lot of work involved in fairing, pictures do not do a good job of showing where the effort has gone. Below you can see the keel being shaped to match the profile of the bulkheads.

At the same time as fairing, I am also preparing the strip planks. I could buy 3.6m lengths (upper arrow in picture below) and needed them to be something over 6m. The stack identified by the lower arrow have been joined with a scarf joint. I have set up to do two at a time, which with some stock built up ahead of time, should keep me going through the planking process.

Having finished planing (for now), I tidied the workshop up which served to remind me that boat building is about buying top quality wood at high prices and expending lots of effort to turn a lot of it into bags of wood shavings and sawdust.

Finally, the frame ready for planking!