Finally on to planking. Strip planking of course, and the clue is in the name. Each plank is 30mm wide so there will be a lot of them. The first strip, shown below is fixed a defined height from the deck shelf. This allows (according to the plans) for the whole hull to the planked without the need to change direction.

And here is the first plan on the Starboard side.

Adding the second plank (below), brings home that I need more clamps. I use pretty much all my clamps on one side. Boat builders have a 100% reliable method for estimating the number of required clamps. You review the boat size and build method. You count your stock of clamps. You realise you definitely need more. 100% of the time.

My additional clamps have not yet arrived, so I am limited to working one side again. Below, I added 2 planks in one session, so on a good day, I should be able to add 4 planks, 2 either side.

I estimate I need about 108 planks to cover the hull – 103 left to go. If I average 3 planks per day and say 2 working days per week taking account of holidays etc. that makes 17 weeks. I will be planking to the end of July. I wish I hadn’t done that calculation.