The Skeg/Deadwood needs an outer facing of Iroko hardwood, and I need some nice flat and smooth blanks 30mm thick to do this. I bought all my Iroko as (rough) cut planks. You can buy the planks nicely planed and cut to the correct dimensions. Any sensible person would do it that way, but then would a sensible person build a wooden boat when you can buy a perfectly good plastic one and save a lot of work?
Below, the picture shows 2 of my rough cut planks underneath the template

And below, one of the planks being fed over my little planer/thicknesser. This size of planer is really too small for the job, but with a bit of patience and care, it works.

Below, one of the planks has been planed on 2 sides.

Two of the planks planed.

And below, this is where a lot of my expensive Iroko ends up.

And finally a set of 3 prepared planks next to the template.

Planks cut to the template ready for gluing to the plywood layers prepared earlier.

Below all the plywood layers glued and clamped.

the outer facing of Iroko glued to the plywood core. Ready for fixing to the hull.